Wednesday, September 07, 2005

They're smarter than us

Humans are not the most dominant species on the planet. We just think we are. And every other animal lets us think it.

Just because we can talk and have the capacity for abstract thought doesn't make us dominant. Every other animal is smarter than us. And we serve them. We really do.

Sure, we can go out hunting and kill them all, but that doesn't make us smarter. That would make us dumber, because then we'd have no food. Animals can hunt us and kill us too. And each other. But they don't, because they're smarter than that. They know they'd run out of food. Even the animals who don't eat other animals are smart - they'll just sneak onto some stupid human's farm and take some of the food he's growing. They don't even need to grown their own food! Have you ever seen a woodchuck chasing a human out of his garden?

Some of the dumbest ideas in history came from the ability to have abstract thought. Pet rock anyone? PET ROCK! Bottled water?? Animals don't pay for water! It's right there! Just drink it! And do you think there would have ever been a Poopin' Moose? You remember this right? It was a Milk Dud candy dispenser. Use your capacity for abstract thought to figure out what it did.

Sure we can drive around in cars and get to where we need to go, but look at the price of gas - does this make us smarter? Animals have everything they need right within walking distance. Even if it's cold or hot, everything they need is right there.

I want to live like animals. I wear lots of layers. If I get hot, I shed them. I want everything within walking distance. At my home, there is a fridge right next to my favorite chair, so I don't even have to get up to eat.


At September 07, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

I soooo want to see a picture of the milk dud dispensor you modafied.

The Lumpy


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