Thursday, September 22, 2005


Normally I'm not one to look for Seinfeld-like situations in real life, but I just shook hands with a woman who has gigantic hands.

How do you get hands bigger than a baseball glove? Do you drink some kind of hand-growning special elixer? Was she the victim of a Neville Longbottom curse gone wrong? These things were monstrous!

I've shaken (is that right? shaken? shook?) hands with many people in my life, and some had huge hands (Big Show, if you smell what I'm cookin'), but this woman had man-hands. That's just not right.


At September 22, 2005, Blogger Cori said...

No that is not right. I just hate shaking hands. Too limp? YUCK! Too tight? Must be a control freak. I don't know where these hands have been.I try to avoid the shake of the hand as much as possible.

At September 23, 2005, Blogger quint said...

I can't aviod the shake in my position, unfortunately. I think it's a job requirement. THe worst shake is the "cold clammy too-wet" handshake.

Just ew.

At September 23, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

"Neville Lonbottom curse gone wrong", lol! I'm a major Harry Potter fan :)

So many things can be detected from a simple hand shake that I'm actually beginning to feel a little paranoid about the whole thing; I believe all my secrets are revealed in that one little touch...

Plus my hands are so tiny that when shaking hands with men they almost disappear!

At September 23, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Disappearing Hands!

*quint tries to think of a possible Harry Potter sequence...*

"MANUS RECEDO!" cried Dean, pointing his wand at Goyle. Harry stared, half amazed and half amused, at the sight of Goyle's boulder-shaped hands shrinking right before his eyes. Crabbe, meanwhile, blink twice stupidly and ran away.

[end Harry Potter sequence]

" secrets revealed in that one little touch..." Is it bad that I suddenly pictured some kind of weird mind-meld, where Mr. Spock just sucked all your thoughts into his Vulcan mind? Or should I be picturing the pensieve?

At September 24, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Yeah, that's bad... Lol! What's bad about it is the fact that I was thinking the same thing when readig it again now...

I can't believe you found a Harry Potter sequence to illustrate that! Well, Goyle deserved it.

Oh, and their not THAT small, it's just that all the other people I've met have bigger!
(I can't believe I just said that...)

Argh, you know what I mean...

At September 24, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Haha! Annie, I bet you never thought you'd ever type the words, "...other people I've met have bigger." There are so many things you could add to the end of that sentence!

Wouldn't it be weird if people could read your thoughts through your hands? Not as creepy as Snape, but still creepy...

And I have a secret for you - I didn't actually find a Harry Potter sequence...kinda made that can commence flogging me now. But I have to say, I'm honored that you think my writing was at least passable as Rowling's! I'd shake your hand, but you know, I wouldn't want you to feel small....!

At September 27, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Clever, clever! ;)
Well, I've only read through the third book yet, so I'm no expert...

And hey, Snape's not creepy, he's hot! :) Seriously, I have a crush on him...
And I bet his are bigger than mine!

(I hope no underage children are reading this...?)

At September 27, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Oh, wait'll you get to #6 - best one yet!

I'm not making any commentary on my sexual preferences (not that there's anything wrong with it, I just...nevermind, I won't get into that...) but I think I can see why you'd think Snape's so dreamy - lots of people do.

At September 28, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Oh, now you got me all curious! ;)

At September 30, 2005, Blogger quint said...

It's good stuff! Trust me - it might even be my favorite one now...


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