Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Moms Clubs, or BOA

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine invited me to join an organization she belongs to. Many of you may have heard of this mom's club, its called the MOPS International. Now when she was telling me about this club, my first thought is why would I want to join a club based on my least favorite household chore. Even the mention of the name makes me shudder thinking of the sore shoulders I get on mopping day dragging that big yellow caution bucket around the house. Yes, I know you're saying I should get a Swiffer. Hipp tried that before only to find that at least in her case all it resulted in was dust being pushed around the floor to gather in clumps. End result, Hipp would wait until it dried again and sweep. So anyhow, as I heard about this club I was very skeptical.

Come to find out MOPS is of course, Mothers of Preschoolers. When I discussed this group with my husband, he felt it should be more appropriately titled BOA or Beast Owners Anonymous. It seems oddly appropriate somehow to name a women's club after a snake...And I have been known to shop at the Wegmans in the neighboring town, as my daughter's past behavior certainly makes me desire anonymity.

Anyhow, I actually did have a lovely time at this meeting. They lock up--I mean babysit--the children so the mom's can have a few hours to fellowship with other ladies. There are several things you will always find at women's meetings: food (usually of the sweet variety), chat and lots of it, and often the making of useless crafts. Not to mention the requisite get to know you activities with questions about being deserted on an island or having a million dollars.

I learned that I am not alone, and that's a scary thing in some cases. For instance, I am not the only mom who subscribes to magazines she seldom reads just to get to see another human being walking down my sidewalk. Nor am I the only one who reads blogs at 2 am, even when she knows her daughter will be up at 4 just so she can get a few hours to herself. We stay-at-home moms are strange creatures.

I have learned strange and unusual talents, as I suspect many other moms have. For instance, how to make a gourmet meal out of things in the fridge, such as chili and pickles. Making mooing sounds at my daughter in her exersaucer gives me two extra minutes in the bathroom. And don't empty the dishwasher with your child in a Baby Bjorn, but that's another story for another day...

If you own a child or small rodent, I suggest making the most of some of the wonderful clubs and support groups out there. You will find some great fellowship, discover you are not alone, and best of all eat some homecooking.


At October 06, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

One should be very careful about locking a group of beasts into a room together. You ladies are lucky to have survived. Who knows what wild and destructive plans they are making as a collective. After all the potential for them to coordinate their movements is greatly increased when they are able to communicate in this fashion.

The Lumpy

At October 06, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Not only that, but I've read that once they are together, one Beast becomes dominant and when the dominant Beast soils itself, the others follow suit.

Not a pretty sight.

Or smell.


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