Thursday, November 03, 2005

quint's greatest hits

"Finally," you say, "quint has gotten around to posting his greatest hits."

Yes I have. Here you go:

1. Swim in the ocean. I don't care which one, just do it.
2. See the jungles of Costa Rica.
3. Read the "Harry Potter" series.
4. Eat a quint-style cuban burger - mmmm!
5. Watch one episode of "The Simpsons."
6. Eat at Hooters - have the buffalo chicken sandwich. And fries.
7. Read "Bag of Bones" by Stephen King.
8. Visit New York City and take to tour of the harbor.
9. When you're there, go to the Bethesda Fountain - prettiest place in the city.
10. See a stand-up comedian (one you've never heard of) at a comedy club.
11. Have a child (I haven't, but from what I hear, it's good stuff)
12. Read "Lord of the Rings."
13. See one of the following movies on the big screen: "The Two Towers," "Jaws," "The Empire Strikes Back," "Disney's Beauty and the Beast."
14. Go to Europe.
15. Go to a football/baseball/hockey game and be a part of a crowd of over 30,000 people.
16. Read "Angels & Demons."
17. Watch one episode of "Lost." And don't make me pick it for you because they're all good.
18. Have Thanksgiving dinner at my parent's house.
19. Have Fourth of July on a small-town lake.
20. See a concert.
21. Visit Disney World. (Lumpy, I'm buying you a ticket)
22. Scream as loud as you can.
23. Ride a roller-coaster.
24. Visit the Pyramids. Or the Grand Canyon. Or the Mayan ruins.
25. Sit down, in your favorite spot, with your favorite people and just talk to each other.
26. Fall asleep on a boat - one that's not tied up or anchored down.
27. Take your pants off in a public locker room area.
28. Is anyone still reading?
29. Get stuck in traffic and not get angry.
30. Get through a day without getting angry.
31. Go to a museum and just sit.
32. Look at the sky. At night. In the middle of nowhere.
33. Go to the top of a tall building and look down.
34. Laugh so hard you'll think you're going to pee.
35. Spaghetti and Meatballs.

That's what I've thought of. If you can do those things, you'll live a happy, full life. And you'll experience some of the most amazing things that exist in our world. So many of these things you couldn't do a hundred years ago, let alone 20 years ago. This planet has never been more diverse and exciting as it is right now. Yeah, there are some things on this list (see a movie? watch a TV show?) that might seem stupid. But think about it: A hundred years ago, there was no TV. There was no movies. But we can still go to the middle of nowhere and stargaze too. It blows my mind.

Here's something I try to do everyday: When I go to bed at night, I like to have a story to tell. If I don't have a story to tell, then I didn't live that day to its fullest. Simple as that. Don't waste a minute, we aren't here that long.

During Lent (yes, I'm catholic), we are supposed to give up something - some kind of crutch; something that is hard for us to live without. Some people give up chocolate, others try to quit smoking...Last spring, I realized that giving things up isn't a problem. It's starting something new that's an issue. So I decided that rather than give up one thing, I'd try something new. Each week. So for six weeks, I tried something I would normally not like or want to do. Not as easy as you'd think. Next year I'm going to try to do two things each week.

We all should try something new every week, all year. Start with my list. There's about 30 things on there. All you need is another 12, and that gives you a full year.

Do it! Before you can't!

**I'd also like to add that my next post will not be a list. I just noticed that I've done a lot of them...


At November 03, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

I like lists! :) I'm a listomaniac (is that a word? Well, it is now!)

No. 3, 7, 12, 13, 14 (haha), 15 (sorta), 17, 20, 21 (if Disney Land, Paris counts?), 22, 23, 25, 28 (lol), 32, 33, 34 and 35: Been there, done that, and it rocked! :)

(Seriously, I can't stop smiling these days!)

At November 03, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Listomaniac is now an official word.

Trust me on #6. Good food. And #4 - a sure sign of a good burger is having to wipe off your elbows from all the goodness dripping out.

At November 03, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Ooh, I'm so craving a burger right now...

At November 04, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

Ok Quint. I'm playing catchup as my work load has not aloud me to check the site in a few days. you have my appolagise.

I think I'll start with number 27.
err. wait!. ooohhh.

I think I've accomplished 12 or more of those things just hanging around with you.

As far as the previous post is concerned. I've gone into work sick a couple times already so guilty as charged and Any time man. I was glad I could be there.

The Lumpy

At November 06, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I did number 19 for the first time in several years. I didn't see you.

At November 07, 2005, Blogger quint said...

I'm always there...floating...making name it, my friend!

At November 07, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I guess I wasn't looking hard enough and I was distracted by all the pretty fireworks. I didn't see Jimmy Eddy with the Sexy Knees either.

At November 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's my list of must do's before you die

1. Fart in class, or at work in a meeting, and blame it on the person next to you
2. eat an entire tub of nestly tollhouse cookie dough
3. run like someone's chasing you, and pretend it's an ax murderer
4. burn all the harry potter books because you want to be "different"
5. when you answer the phone, burp really loud, and see what the other person does
6. eat corn, and then examine your poop to see if the rumors are true
7. jump off a bridge, but wait until theres a boat right under it, it will surprise the heck out of them
8. take your kids to disneyland, but instead drive to a burned up warehouse, and tell them, sorry kids, disney land burned down
9. during quiet time at church, burst out with a loud comment such as "FERTILIZER!".
10. laugh at inappropriate times during sad movies to see how many people turn around to look at the idiot behind them
11. hold hands and skip with just some homeless person you met 5 minutes before
12. sit down in the middle of the street and see if anyone stops and offers you a ride to the middle of nowhere
13. tell all your friends you want them to write your eulogy, and then pick the best one.
14. make up a will and leave all your stuff to your hamster
15, should i stop anytime soon?
16. I don't take life too seriously, obviously
17. I hate those quizes everyone is copying and pasting into their blogs.
18. people think I'm weird
19. i don't care
20. live like theres no tomorrow. but draw the line at breaking the law.

At November 09, 2005, Blogger quint said...

toad, he does have quite sexy knees. Not as pretty as my big toe, but...

susie, i think you're as nuts as i am....

At November 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you sure i'm AS nuts? or am i MORE nut?

you may never know.
please don't ask for character references.

At November 11, 2005, Blogger quint said...

You're just plain nutty.

Wait. Is that an oxymoron? Can you be plain and nutty? They don't sell plain and nutty m&ms in the same bag....

OK, you're nutty...


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