Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why Can't a Woman...

Well, seeing as how Quint has posted 4 blog entries in a row, I guess its my turn. Are you sure this isn't your superpower, Quint the Super Blogger?

Lumpy and I have been trying to find more shared hobbies. Why he doesn't think watching The Harvey Girls while creating a memory quilt using scanned in photos from various points in our relationship is beyond me. Seriously, though, the Lumpys have unbelievably strange shared pastimes. Some of these include walking through cemetaries and taking photographs, reading parodies to each other as bedtime stories and playing Magic the Gathering.

In an attempt to share more hobbies, the Lumpy's began going to a local gaming store and looking for hobbies they could share. Whenever Hipp walks into this particular store she feels like a bird on a bicycle. Although I'm sure there are many who have observed Hipp in a bookstore, reading the backs of books for well over an hour who have been thoroughly convinced she is an alien life form with a spawn attached in her Baby Bjorn. Anyhow the Lumpy's went into this particular store and decided to try out several games, including Magic the Gathering, Axis and Allies, and Warhammer 40K. Now Hipp is beginning to understand the demographics of this particular store. Imagine your Grandmother walking into this store and asking to purchase a set of eldar (aliens) for her Warhammer 40K set.

Seriously, though, studies that have been done on the needs of men and women in relationships find that recreational companionship is the #2 need of most men (venture your own guess on #1). So this is an actual need. Whereas, I really enjoy doing things with my husband...this manifests itself in different ways. I don't recall feeling hurt that he doesn't want to make candles together or help me put together the latest scrapbook page of my daughter.

So, the ending of this somewhat uninspired post is this...I need to go and paint my Eldar...So often the things we keep putting off...the little things can be most important to those we love...


At October 13, 2005, Blogger quint said...

I know what number 1 is!

That study is right - men do need someone to do recreational things with. I like Lost - is no one's watching it with me, after the show's over, I just feel like I'm going to burst because I need someone to talk to. That's why I post about it so much!

Anyhow, hobbies are nice. So are collections. I like how you guys have shared hobbies. That's neat.

I need to get me one of them there hobby-things. I don't know how to get to Middle-Earth though, and I read they're hard to catch.

At October 13, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

I'm sorry, I just still can't believe there are more people out there who photograph cemetaries! I just visited a friend in another country, and the first thing she seemed to have planned for me was to go see the local (and huuuuge) cemetary! Which made me happy to the point of freaking people out...

At October 13, 2005, Blogger quint said...

As Keanu Reeves might say...,"woah."

At October 14, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

I know what number 1 is too.

Ok I owe Hipp some questions now. Lets see.

What is your purpose in blogging?

If there is one thing that you could convey to people through your blogging what would it be?

What is your favorite season and why?

If you could go anywhere and see anything you wanted where would you go first?

You just woke up and found yourself in a tree on a mountain in the middle of no where. What is your first thought?

Give one reason why Anne of Avonlea should never ever under any circumstances be played in your household again.

What is your dream job?

Why is blue considered cold and Red considered hot?

Name three things garunteed to make you smile.

What is the #1 need of spouses?

At October 15, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

I'm addicted to this blog now ;)

At October 17, 2005, Blogger quint said...



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