Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Questions...questions that need answering...

**Bonus points if you can name the movie the title of this post is taken from**
Below, in the comments to my wicked cool Green Lantern post, Lumpy asked me a few questions. The answers are probably a little more deep and probing than what Lump expected, but hey, you never know what you're going to get with me...I'm like Chex Party Mix or something. You could get a pretzel, you could get a chip...you never really know...

Today I think it's a pretzel.

How do you come up with ideas to blog about?
Wow. Tough one to start with. I have no idea. Let's see...I see something crazy on TV or on the internet, and I'll blog about that. I'll read something interesting and write about that. Something will happen to me, and I'll write about that. I have a pretty unique view on the world and things that people say and do, and I like to think my view is pretty entertaining. Maybe it isn't, but it is to me!

What made you want to start blogging in the first place?
Sheer and complete boredom. And the fact that I like to write and if I don't get it out of me somehow, somewhere, I'll go crazy and become the nutty old man who lives in his attic with stuffed animals he spends all day talking to. Plus, I saw Lumpy's other blog and wanted to play around too.

You've just mistaken the locker area of a prominant theame park for the changing room and dropped your pants in full view of everyone. What do you do?
Well, if I'm Lumpy, I continue with said disrobing and go on my merry *ahem* little full-frontal nudity way. If I'm quint, I proudly continue on with what I'm doing. No, I'm kidding. I probably die of embarassment at the moment I realized what's happening, and then die a thousand deaths over the rest of my lifetime as my best friends, making good on a pact they made that very day, recount the story to everyone they ever meet, including the daughter of the President of the United States.

If you could change one thing you've done in the past what would it be?
Here's where quint gets deep: I don't like to ever say "should've." But that's not humanly posssible. There was this time I ordered a chicken sandwich when I wanted a burger, but...
OK seriously. I would have been nicer to people that weren't nice to me. That's not to say that I was a jerk to them, it's just that if a person was a jerk to me, I had a tendancy not to care how I treated them, and that's not right. Everyone should be treated equally.

Who is your hero?
How do you ask this question, man, in a Green Lantern post?!
My hero. The person I aspire to be like in every way. I don't think it's one person, and I'm not taking the easy way out here. My hero is my mom and my dad. I see how they raised us, and I appreciate the work that went into that. My hero is the man who can run into a burning building while everyone else is running out. My hero is the waitress who, after working for 9 straight hours just to support her family, goes home and sews her kids costume for the play the next day, and then works another 9 hours and still makes it to the play. My hero is a rich person who knows it and doesn't show it. My hero is the person who can put a smile on people's faces. My hero is the person no one knows, but everyone remembers. My hero is all the people who came before me. I just hope I can live up to the standard they set, because, gosh it's high.

You can have one superpower. What is it? why?
I would choose invisibility. Because I could go into the girls locker room. And, because I could beat the bad guys.

Can you smell what the rock is cooking?
Yes, and it smells like dirty socks.

If you could take any 3 things with you onto a deserted island what would they be? (You can assume the island has power)
Oooh, an island with power! Is it a mystical power, like the island on Lost? No? You mean electrical power? Oh. Well, that's exciting too.
1. pen and paper, because I need to get thoughts out sometimes
2. my recliner. It would be incredible to watch the sunset on the beach in my way cool recliner.
3. my boat. Not the leave the island, God forbid, I wouldn't do that. Just to play. I'm one of those people who would actually love to be stranded on a deserted island.

What's your biggest fear?
Birds. Scare the bejesus outta me.
Not being a good dad once I start having kids. That's a pretty big deal.
Oh, yeah, and zombies returned from the dead hunting me down to eat my brains. That's scary too.

Why did you choose the name Quint?
Easy. Craziest character from my favorite movie, Jaws. I like crazy. You can never get enough wackiness, especially when a hungry man-eating shark bigger than your boat is coming for you.


At October 11, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Lord of the Rings!!! :)

I love Q&A. It's so interesting to see how differently different people answer to the same questions(I should try to find another word for differently, but I'm too tired). Especially the traditional (and simingly mandatory) deserted island-question shows how different people are thinking (Ok, dictionary! Now!).

I'd choose invisibility too. Not to frequent locker rooms, but to hear what people are saying about me, and to safely kick some asses!

At October 12, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Points for annie! You can cash them in at the door for your way cool prize! Trust me, the prize is, for lack of a better word, "different!"

How many times have you asked the mandatory deserted island question and have someone say they'd like to be there with nothing? I would love that. Bring it on, baby!

If I can't have invisibility (because I'm not sure if that's a superpower, it's more like a science experiment), I think I'd pick weather control, like Storm in the X-Men. That would be cool. But I'm sticking with invisibility. That's neat.

Hipp - I was actually talking about you yesterday, and I was speaking very good things. Were your ears ringing?

At October 13, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

I won, I won!! :) What's the prize....? I still haven't found any batter word for "different", so you're gonna have to just go with it.

I'm paranoid too, but I'd rather know all the horrible things people are thinking about me than not know them, for some reason. I'm strange that way...

If I could choose anyone in the X-Men, I'd choose Wolv... No wait! Did you mean the powers of? Then never mind...

At October 13, 2005, Blogger quint said...

No to Wolverine! Jean Grey! Hoo-Boy, Jean Grey...shiver

At October 14, 2005, Blogger quint said...

New superpower - Magnetism - when I need it. Magneto is awesome!

annie, the prize is.....something special....(can you tell I'm not feeling creative right now?)...it's...a coupon to redeemed later for something really....neat.

At October 15, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Hmm, sounds... fascinating! Or... I dunno... intruiging, even!

(sorry, I don't really know how to spell "intruiging", but it's such a... naet word).

At October 15, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

Apparantly I don't know how to spell "neat" either!

At October 17, 2005, Blogger quint said...

hmmm. intrigu..naet...interiguing...intriguing....



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