Friday, October 07, 2005

Saving the world, one drop at a time

My favorite superhero is the Green Lantern. He's not the kind of superhero everyone comes right out and says they like. But I think he's the best, because he's someone I think we all can indentify with. He doesn't really have any superpowers, he just has a really cool ring that really does pretty much what he asks it to do.

Anyone can be the Green Lantern. Anyone! All you need is the green ring of power. And - Bam! - you're a superhero. Just get out there and kick some baddy down. He's not unbelievebaly strong, he can't see through walls and he certainly can't climb them - not without his ring. Take the ring off and he's just an average guy.

All the other superheroes out there are mutants. Or rich. You take the suit off and they are still superheroes, no matter how they try to blend in. Peter Parker can still climb walls. Clark Kent can still fly. Bruce Wayne is still an insomniac. The Green Lantern? When he takes off that green ring of power, he's just plain old Alan Scott, or John Stewart, or Kyle Rayner. Once the Green Lantern wants to retire, he finds a replacement. There's no living forever here! Just a ring, and a willingness to fight evil.

All those other guys are rich mutants.

Check it out:
Batman - filthy rich dude with nothing to do and a bad case of insomnia
Spider-Man - kid who was bit by a spider and given some pretty neat powers
Any X-Man - mutants
AquaMan - talks to the fish, people!
The Flash - really fast guy
Superman - from a different planet! Hellooooo! He's be just plain "Avereageman" if his home planet didn't blow up! He gets his power from the light of earth's yellow sun! On Krypton, he'd probably be Kal-El, the fat lazy kid who won't stop whining.

I will say that Wonder Woman is pretty cool though.

Oh and just one more thing...

Deja vu anyone?

It's raining and cold again today. I have to drive around and be outside a lot today. Why couldn't I have been doing that yesterday? It was 85 and sunny!


At October 07, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

What I want to know is if he isnt rich how does he find time to do a job and fight crime? Sorry I've never followed the green lantern much.

Ok I've been promising and now I'm going to deliver. Here is a set of questions for quint. Tag your it.

How do you come up with ideas to blog about?

What made you want to start blogging in the first place?

You've just mistaken the locker area of a prominant theame park for the changing room and dropped your pants in full view of everyone. What do you do?

If you could change one thing you've done in the past what would it be?

Who is your hero?

You can have one superpower. What is it? why?

Can you smell what the rock is cooking?

If you could take any 3 things with you onto a deserted island what would they be? (You can assume the island has power)

What's your biggest fear?

Why did you choose the name Quint?

There you go. Post em when you're done. I need to do a set for Hipp now.

The Lumpy

At October 07, 2005, Blogger quint said...

He only fights crime on the weekends. And holidays.

I think.

Maybe that's part of why they call him the Green Lantern. You know, because of all the green lanterns at Christmas time.

Good questions too, man. Gimme the weekend to think about it, and I'll have some good anwsers for ya.


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