Thursday, October 06, 2005

Useless information

In case you needed some totally random facts to take up space in your brain:

  • I am wearing an orange shirt.
  • The Boston University Bridge (on Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts) is the only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train driving under a car driving under an airplane.
  • Armadillos can walk under water.
  • Native speakers of Japanese learn Spanish much more easily than they learn English. Native speakers of English learn Spanish much more easily than they learn Japanese.
  • I can't understand Japanese. I sort of can get Spanish, but when I went to Costa Rica, I didn't need to use it. Some might say I don't do the English so good either.

What else is up in the world of quint? I'm having the same day lumpy is. Not great. Too much stress. And the worst part about the stress? Once all of it is gone, it will have all been for nothing. I will have nothing to show for all the stress.

I want to wake up some day and have someone say "What would you like to do today?" Rather than, "You have to be here, here, and there today. Oh, and you're supposed to be there while you're there, so you can't do that. And in case I didn't tell you, 17 people are going to be mad at you because you want to sit down in your favorite chair at 5:37 for two minutes instead of running to the store to buy fish (which you don't eat) and tampons (which you would never eat, or stick....places)."

None of this has happened to me, don't read any more into it. But don't some days just feel like that?


At October 06, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

Ok. Now I'm chuckling. I couldn't help it. I was trying to be moody and then I got to the whole tampon thing and a chuckle came from totally out of no where. I reached up and tried to put it back; explaining to it that I was being moody and therefore its presence was totally inappropriate but it didn't seam to care. Hence I guess we would call it an indiferent chuckle.

In regards to the tampons you do realize that I have a life time of that ahead of me. right? Everyone keeps cursing me and telling me I'm going to have all girls. Not cool. well. actually it is. but that is totaly beside the point.

The Lumpy

At October 06, 2005, Blogger Julia Reffner said...

oh by the way. It's all going to be ok.

I am the Lumpy, and I have approved this message.

At October 06, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Thanks Lumpy.

Tampons. Let the fun begin!

I am quint. Farewell and adieu.

At October 06, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Boys are fun because they break things. You should know that.

And you know what's funny? I make people chuckle even when I'm trying to be moody. How is that possible? I guess that might mean that I indifferently made you have an indifferent chuckle.

Or I did it on purpose. Whichever is cooler. 'Cause I'm cool, you know. Smooth. The man. Awesome. Wicked. Really....neat.

At October 10, 2005, Blogger Annie said...

I actually had something clever to add here, but then I got really distracted by the comments... Now my mind's all blank, but at least I'm smiling. Indifferantly, of course!

Some days just suck (like for me: this one!!), but here's my secret cure: I read your blog! It makes everything better, at least for a short while :)

At October 11, 2005, Blogger quint said...

Welcome to 20 Degrees Off Center, the cure for the everyday blahs!

Or a cure for insomnia!

Or a cure for sanity!

Or a cure for constipation!

Somebody stop me before I post something else!


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